Other State Tax Credits

As new state legislation has been enacted for various other types of tax credits, TCC has grown in an effort to accommodate the market.  TCC formed a state New Markets Tax Credit Fund in Louisiana which was very active throughout the life of the legislation. It also operates a Mississippi New Markets Tax Credit Fund.


The company also played an active role in establishing film infrastructure in Louisiana, this being essential after the success of the film production tax credit. When the legislature enacted an Infrastructure Tax Credit in Louisiana, TCC established a fund to accommodate that type of tax credit. We were honored to be a partner in the Second Line Stages project, among others.
TCC has also participated in projects that combine the Louisiana Historic Tax Credit with the Infrastructure Tax Credit that is part of the Musical and Theatrical Tax Credit program. The rehabilitation of the Saenger Theatre and the Le Petit Theatre are excellent examples of what can be done with the twinning of these tax credits.

Second Line Stages

Saenger Theatre

Le Petit Theatre